A dance/movement therapy blog providing information regarding dance movement therapy education, training and events. The site is based at Montreal, QC Canada


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Volunteer Positions in Montreal, QC

Story telling through architecture and image

This project is seeking a fifth participant/mover who is eager to work with diverse populations and be a part of a collective creation.
This ongoing exploration which looks at the assembly of image through kinesthetic relationship and architecture takes place every Wednesday afternoon at the Centre for the Arts in Human Development. This project will ideally evolve into a repeatable performance, both script-less and rehearsal-less to be presented in late April/early May 2013.
​The commitment is 1.5 hrs per week for 6 months.

​​Please contact Simon Driver if interested.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Workshop / Atelier

“Attunement and Empathic Reflection”

Workshop with Megan English
on Saturday October 20th, 13h-17h
dans le studio « A » des Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal
4816 rue Rivard, Montréal H2J 2N6

Megan English is a Dance Movement Psychotherapist in private practice in Toronto. Over the past few years, Megan has worked towards spreading the word about Dance Movement Therapy and creating new opportunities within the field. She has presented to staff teams and introduced programs in settings such as Residential Treatment for Adolescents and Treatment for Eating Disorders. She continues to investigate and integrate the following areas into her work: somatic psychology, developmental theory, creative arts therapy methods, the relationship between therapy and education, affective neuroscience, the role the body plays in trauma recovery and the application of Dance Movement Therapy in different settings. Megan teaches for the National Ballet of Canada’s Outreach in Education Programs.

This workshop invites exploration, play and inquiry into with what we tend to attune to in our interactions with others. Rhythm, tone of voice, facial expression, a quality of movement; are just some of the possibilities. We will use Laban Movement Analysis to understand our own movement preferences and how to expand our resources for attuning and reflecting within interpersonal and therapeutic movement experiences. There will be sharing and discussion of ideas focused around two questions. What is the role of attunement in therapeutic relating in our work? How does empathic reflection serve to support clients in their process of change and growth? Some developmental theory and information on the brain will be briefly touched upon to frame the afternoon of learning.

Member $35
Non member $50

Limited spaces available. For advance registration please contact: dancetherapyca@gmail.com
                                                                    *        *        *       *       *

“L’Harmonisation et La Réflexion Empathique”

Atelier avec Megan English
le Samedi 20 Octobre, 13h-17h
dans le studio « A » des Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal
4816 rue Rivard, Montréal H2J 2N6

Megan English est une psychothérapeute par la danse est le mouvement travaillant en pratique privée à Toronto. Durant ces dernières années, Megan cherche à promouvoir la thérapie par la danse et le mouvement et crée de nouvelles opportunités dans ce même milieu. Elle introduit notamment des programmes dans des cadres établis tels que les centres de réhabilitation pour les adolescents et le traitement des troubles alimentaires. Elle continue d’approfondir et d’intégrer les domaines suivants dans son travail: la psychologie somatique, théories développementales, méthodes de thérapie par les arts, la relation entre l’éducation et la thérapie, l’affect dans la neuroscience, le rôle que le corps joue dans la réhabilitation suite à un trauma et finalement, l’application de la thérapie par la danse et le mouvement dans différents milieux. Megan enseigne pour le Ballet National du Canada dans le volet des programmes éducatifs.


Cet atelier propose l’exploration, le jeu et le questionnement sur ce dont nous sommes habituellement à l’écoute lors de nos interactions avec autrui. Le rythme, le ton de la voix, l’expression faciale, la finesse du mouvement, ne sont que quelques possibilités. Nous allons utiliser l’analyse du movement selon Laban afin de cibler et comprendre la préférence du choix de mouvements de chacun et d’expliquer comment élargir nos ressources afin de refléter et écouter ceux-ci à l’aide d’expériences interpersonnelles et thérapeutiques. De plus, il y aura des discussions et un partage d’idées autour de deux questions précises. Quel est le rôle de l’harmonisation en thérapie dans notre travail? Comment la réflexion empathique aide les clients dans leur processus de changement et de croissance? Afin de compléter cet après-midi instructif, il y aura un survol sur les théories développementales et quelques notions sur le fonctionnement cérébral.


Membres: 35$
Non membres: 50$

Places disponibles limitées. Pour une réservation à l’avance, s’il vous plaît contactez: dancetherapyca@gmail.com

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

United We Stand / L’union fait la force

United We Stand: Towards Professional
Empowerment of the Creative Arts Therapies
A lecture by David Read Johnson, PhD, RDT-BCT
Professor of psychology at Yale University
Director of the Institute for the Arts in Psychotherapy, 
New York City 
Internationally-known drama therapist
The lecture will be followed by a panel discussion with local representatives from art therapy, drama therapy, music therapy and dance movement therapy in Montreal. The
event is sponsored by AATQ, AQM, NADTA, DMTAC and the Department of Creative Arts Therapies, Concordia University.
When: Friday, October 12, 2012 at 6 p.m.
Where: EV 1.615, Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated
Complex (1515 Ste-Catherine St. W.), Sir George Williams Campus
Admission: Free of charge.
Dr. Johnson will speak from his experience as the Chairperson of the National Coalition of Arts Therapies Associations (1985 to 1991), during which he led the effort to produce the first and only joint conference of all the creative arts therapies associations in the U.S. His reflections and suggestions have been documented in his book: Essays in the Creative Arts Therapies: Imaging the Birth of a Profession (Charles Thomas, 1999). He will discuss the pros and cons of various forms of collaboration among the arts therapies fields, their political and professional consequences, and the current state of affairs in the U.S. He will emphasize the core challenge for our professions of tolerating differences between us, and present how larger professional groups have overcome this challenge.

                   *       *     *     *     *     *     *     *

L’union fait la force : vers le renforcement
professionnel des thérapies par les arts
Conférence de David Read Johnson, PhD, RDT-BCT
Professeur de psychologie à l’Université Yale
Directeur de l’Institute for the Arts in Psychotherapy de New York
Thérapeute par l’art dramatique de renommée international
La conférence sera suivie d’une table ronde avec des représentants montréalais de l’artthérapie,
de la thérapie par l’art dramatique, de la musicothérapie et de la thérapie par la danse et le mouvement. L’activité est commanditée par l’AATQ, l’AQM, la NADTA, la DMTAC et le Département de thérapies par les arts de l’Université Concordia.
Date : Vendredi 12 octobre 2012, 18 heures
Lieu : Salle EV 1.615, pavillon intégré Génie, informatique et arts visuels
1515, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, campus Sir-George-Williams
Coût : L’activité est gratuite.
M. Johnson parlera de son expérience en tant que président de la National Coalition of Arts Therapies Associations, de 1985 à 1991. Durant cette période, il a dirigé les efforts visant à organiser le premier et unique colloque conjoint de toutes les associations américaines de thérapies par les arts. Ses propos et idées sont présentés dans l’ouvrage Essays in the Creative Arts Therapies: Imaging the Birth of a Profession (Charles Thomas, 1999). En outre, il abordera les avantages et les inconvénients des diverses formes de collaboration entre les champs d’art thérapie, les répercussions politiques et professionnelles de ces collaborations, et l’état actuel des choses aux États-Unis. Enfin, il mettra l’accent sur le principal problème touchant nos professions – à savoir la nécessité de tolérer les différences qui nous séparent – et expliquera comment certains groupes professionnels de plus grande taille ont surmonté ce défi.

Monday, September 17, 2012

"The Embodied Self" Workshop with Hilary Bryan on Saturday, September 29th, 13:00 - 17:00, in Montreal, QC

With the support of  Département de danse de l’UQAM

​Pavillon de danse de l’UQAM, Département de danse, 840 rue Cherrier,  H2L 1J1
room K-1150 

Presenter's Bio:
Hilary Bryan is a Certified Movement Analyst based in San Francisco. Hilary is a movement artist and a recognized international expert in Laban Movement Analysis (LMA). She is a teacher of dance, choreography, and LMA with twenty years international teaching experience in professional studios, universities, festivals, and corporate settings. She choreographs and directs Hilary Bryan Dance Theater and is the founder and director of The Body at Work Ergonomics Training and Consulting, guiding corporate clients since 1999 to move efficiently and safely at work in order to increase productivity and prevent injury. She is the founder of The Somatics Series, workshops in conscious physical practice, and a doctoral candidate in Practice as Research at the University of California Davis, where she writes about contemporary re-imaginings of The Rite of Spring.
Workshop Description:
How will LMA serve your work as a Movement Artist, Theater Artist, Choreographer, Performer, Athlete, Doctor, Physiotherapist, Psychotherapists, Poet, Architect, Teacher,….?
What does it take to get things done? How do we access our deepest intentions with ease and clarity? How do we put them forward into the world with power and grace?
Connect to the earth. Liberate your flow. Channel your intention. Move into action in harmony with your environment. Rudolf Laban identified a rich matrix of physical States and Drives based on movement dynamics (Antrieb/”Effort”). We will play with these States as inroads to bodymind integration for embodied action in the world. We will practice putting this process into motion in our lives. Practice activating your grounding for presence and action. Integrate your being with your doing.
This course partially satisfies prerequisites for certification programs in LMA and Bartenieff Fundamentals (BF).
We welcome all movers and all who study human movement!
Member $40
Non member $55
Limited spaces available. For advance registration please contact dancetherapyca@gmail.com
                                                 *     *     *

Atelier "L'Incarnation de Soi" avec Hilary BryanSamedi le 29 septembre 2012, 13h-17h, ​à Montréal, QC

Avec le soutien du Département de danse de l’UQAM

​​Pavillon de danse de l’UQAM, Département de danse
840, rue Cherrier, H2L 1J1​
Local K-1150

Biographie de la conférencière:
​Le cours est enseigné par Hilary Bryan, Analyste en Mouvement certifiée qui vit à San Francisco. Hilary est une choréographe primée et analyste en mouvement reconnue internationalement qui écrit sa thèse en étude critique de danse et pratique comme recherche à l'Université de California Davis, ou elle explore la connaissance kinésthetique incarnée dans le trope culturel, Le Sacre du Printemps.​​
Description de l'atelier: ​Comment est-ce que AML (analyse mouvement Laban) servira votre travail comme Artiste en Mouvement, Théâtre ou Performance, Choréographe, Psychothérapeute, Poète, Architecte, Professeur(e).....?​Ça prends quoi pour accomplir les choses? Comment accéder à nos intentions profondes avec aise et clarté. Comment les mettre au monde avec grace et puissance? Connecter avec la terre. Libérer votre flux. Canaliser votre intention. Bouger vers l'action en harmonie avec votre environnement.Rudolf Laban a identifié une riche matrice de l'état et du dynamisme physique basée sur les dynamiques de mouvement (Antrieb/”Effort”). Nous jouerons avec ces états comme passage pour intégration corps-pensée dans le monde. Nous pratiquerons pour mettre le processus en pratique dans notre vie. Pratiquer l'activation de votre fondation pour présence et action. Intégrer votre être avec votre actif.​ 
Ce cours servira à remplir partiellement des prérequis pour programmes de certification en AML (Analyse du Mouvement Laban) et FB (Fondamentaux de Bartenieff​).
​Nous invitons tous les bougeurs et tous ceux qui étudient le mouvement humain!​
Membre $40
Non-membre $55
​Places limitées. Pour vous inscrire à l'avance veuillez contacter dancetherapyca@gmail.com​

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Attention! Address has been changed!

Authentic Movement Workshop with Judith Koltai on Saturday, 
September 15th, 14:30 - 17:30

1450 Guy Street, corner of de MaisonneuveConcordia's John Molson School of Business building, Dance Department, 7th floor, room 7.265 (only the elevators on the right-hand side go up to the 7th floor), Montreal, QC, H3G2W1 

Presenter's Bio: 
Judith Koltai, (BFA in Theatre, MA in Counselling Psychology, BC-DMT, Diplome Technique Corporelles Therese Bertherat)

For over 40 years, Judith has pioneered her unique approach in body movement practices applied to education, the performing arts, psychotherapy and physical rehabilitation. She is the founder of the Professional Guild and Masterclass of Embodied Practice™, an ongoing research and training programme for experienced professionals and advanced students in the humanistic and performing arts. 

Workshop Description: 
The workshop is an experiential introduction to the method of Authentic Movement. The discipline of Authentic Movement is rooted in the principles of modern expressive dance and Jungian Depth Psychology. It is practiced in a wide range of fields such as, psychotherapy, personal insight exploration, mystical contemplation and the expressive and performing arts. Its potential is to bring to consciousness previously hidden elements of unique personal, spiritual and creative aspects of the self. Authentic Movement is a physical practice. It invites and teaches the ability to listen to and follow deep internal cues from the body. In its external form it is very simple. A ‘Mover’ (or several ‘Movers’) moves, with eyes closed, yielding to spontaneous sensory/kinaesthetic impulses. A ‘Witness” (or several witnesses), with eyes open, offers presence and attention to the Mover. Mover and Witness together participate in the practice of attending to their own direct felt experience. Clearly and precisely formulated guidelines provide a safe and contained environment in which both Mover and Witness are free and protected from judgment, interpretation or projection. The practice includes reflective speaking and other creative forms of articulation in order to deepen individual and collective insight, consciousness, and provide source material for individual and collective creation.
No previous experience necessary. 
Both professionals and students are welcome. 
Member $35
Non member $50
Limited spaces available. For advance registration please contact dancetherapyca@gmail.com

                                                        * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Atelier de Mouvement Authentique avec Judith Koltai 
le samedi 15 septembre, 14h30 - 17h30

Université Concordia, 1450 rue Guy (au coin de Maisonneuve),
Montréal, QC, H3G 2W1
Département de danse, 7ème étage, studio 7.265
(seulement les ascenseurs sur le côté droit montent au 7ème étage)

Biographie de la conférencière:
JudithKoltai, (BFA en théâtre, MA en psychologie du counseling, BC-DMT, DiplômeTechnique Corporelles Thérèse Bertherat)

Pour plus de 40 ans, Judith a été une pionnière de son approche unique aux pratiques de mouvement corporel, appliqués à l'éducation, aux arts de la scène, à la psychothérapie et à la réadaptation physique. Elle est la fondatrice de la Professional Guild and Masterclass of Embodied Practice™, un programme de recherche et d'entraînement continus pour les professionels et élèves avancés des arts humanistes et de la scène.

Description de l'atelier: 
L'atelier est une introduction expérientielle au méthode du Mouvement Authentique. La discipline du Mouvement Authentique est basée sur les principes de la danse moderne expressive et de la psychologie de profondeur jungienne. Elle est pratiquée dans un large éventail de milieux, tels que la psychothérapie, l'exploration de l'aperçu personnel, la contemplation mystique et les art expressifs et de performance. Son potentiel est de rendre conscient les éléments cachés des aspects uniques, personnels, spirituels et créatifs de soi-même. Le Mouvement Authentique est une pratique physique. Il invite et enseigne la capacité d'écouter et de suivre les signaux profonds internes du corps. Sa forme externe est très simple. Un 'Bougeur' (ou plusieurs 'Bougeurs') bouge, les yeux fermés, cédant aux impulsions sensoriels/kinaesthétiques spontanés. Un 'Témoin' (ou plusieurs 'Témoins'), les yeux ouverts, offre sa présence et son attention au Bougeur. Bougeur et Témoin ensemble participent et s'occupent de leur propre expérience ressenti directement. Des instructions formulées de manière claire et précise fournissent un environnement sécuritaire dans lequel le Bougeur et le Témoin sont tous deux libres et protégés du jugement, de l'interprétation et de la projection. La pratique inclut la parole réfléchissante ainsi que d'autres formes créatives d'expression, dans le but d'approfondir la conscience individuelle et collective, et de fournir de la matière première pour de la création individuelle et collective.
Aucune expérience préalable est nécessaire. 
Professionnels et étudiants sont les bienvenus.

Membre $35
Non-membre $50
Espace limité. 
Pour l'inscription à l'avance veuillez contacter dancetherapyca@gmail.com

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Are you interested in Dance Movement Therapy?
Welcome to Open House of Dance Movement Therapy Association in Canada (DMTAC) held at Concordia University EV building, entrance atrium
on September 12, 2012 from 16:00 to18:00. 
EV building (Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex)
1515 St. Catherine West, Montreal, QC H3G 2W1​ 

This is an opportunity for you to meet and speak to like minded Dance/Movement Therapy enthusiasts, to discuss your personal Dance/Movement Therapy interest, learn about DMTAC, gain information on September workshops in Dance Movement Therapy with the opportunity to register for them. 

Everybody is welcome! 
BYOC (Bring Your Own Coffee), questions and ideas. 
Free Event!

Est-ce que la thérapie par la danse et le mouvement vous intéresse?
Bienvenu à la Session Portes Ouvertes de l'Association de Thérapie par la Danse et le Mouvement au Canada (ATDMC)
Quand: le 12 septembre 2012, de 16h à 18h
Où: l'Atrium de l'édifice EV (Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex) de l'Université Concordia
1515 Ste-Catherine Ouest, Montréal, Québec H3G 2W1

C'est une opportunité de 
-rencontrer d'autres enthousiastes de la thérapie par la danse et le mouvement
-discuter de votre intérêt personnel dans ce domaine
-apprendre à propos de ATDMC, et à propos des ateliers de thérapie par la danse et le mouvement offerts en septembre
-de vous inscrire à ces ateliers

Tous sont les bienvenus!
Amenez vos questions, idées, cafés...
Événement gratuit!

Monday, July 02, 2012

News from British Columbia

Click below to download a pdf-file of the registration form with all details

Friday, June 15, 2012

News from our partners

The Centre for the Arts in Human Development presents:

OUR WORLD: A Musical Ethnodrama

June 15 and 16, 2012 at 7:30p.m.
FC Smith Auditorium
7141 Sherbrooke St. W. 
Montreal, QC
Tickets: $20 (available at the door)  

Monday, June 11, 2012

News from British Columbia

Moving with Stones
Performed by Tannis  Hugill

Dramaturgy and Direction – Lee Su-Feh
Saturday, June 29, 2012
7 pm
The Dance Centre, Birmingham Studio
Scotiabank Dance Centre
Level 6, 677 Davie Street
Vancouver BC V6B 2G6

Admission: Free

Hi There, 
My name is Tannis Hugill.  I’m a dance-movement and drama therapist as well as creator of sacred ritual performance.  For the past year I have been collaborating with Battery Opera Artistic Director Lee Su-Feh in the Dance Centre’s Dance Lab program.  
We have been exploring the relationship of spirituality and ritual to dance and performance.
For the earliest humans, dance, ritual, healing and community were one organic whole.  But, for hundreds of years, in western culture, these elements have been split apart.
Now, in the fragmentation of our culture, the longing and primal human need for community spiritual expression through the beauty of dance returns.
Feeling this longing, Su-feh and I ask:
Can we create an offering which provides a shared embodied experience of the sacred without using culturally familiar expressions or symbols of the divine?  
 Is there a form that embraces us all in our knowing of the presence of the divine whose roots are embedded in indigenous cultural practices worldwide?
Come to Moving with Stones on June 29 at 7 pm in the Birmingham Studio at the Dance Centre to participate and see for yourself if, and how, we have answered these questions.  
There will be a discussion afterwards to continue the conversation Su-Feh and I have begun.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Dance Movement Therapy Association in Canada (DMTAC)
Association de Thérapie par la Danse et le Mouvement au Canada (ATDMC)

How to become a Dance/Movement Therapist through the Alternative Route 
Comment devenir un danse/mouvement-thérapeute par le Chemin Alternatif
June 5 Juin 2012
6:30 PM
Location: Concordia University, Visual Arts Building
1395 Rene Levesque, Montreal
Rates:      $10 regular       $5 members/membres                    
Contact us/pour nous joindre: dancetherapyca @gmail.com 

News from our Friends

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Dance Movement Therapy Association in Canada
Wednesday, May 16
6 to 8 pm
Dance/Movement Therapy
with Children with special needs
By Tina Erfer (MS, BC-DMT, LCAT)
Presenter’s Bio.:
Tina Erfer, MS, BC-DMT, LCAT is a Board-Certified Dance/Movement Therapist, and Licensed Creative Arts Therapist.
For the past thirty years, she has worked in educational and psychiatric settings, with children and adolescents with special needs. She has also served as Coordinator of the Hospital School Program at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
She has given numerous lectures and workshops at various agencies and universities, and has also provided many staff development and training sessions. Tina supervises and trains graduate students and entry-level dance/movement therapists. She has published on her dance/movement therapy work with children who have emotional challenges, and children with autism.
Tina has served on the Board of Directors of the American Dance Therapy Association; is past President of the New York State Chapter of the ADTA; and she is currently the President of the New Jersey Chapter of ADTA. She is the Coordinator of the Alternate Route Dance/Movement Therapy Training Program at the Harkness Dance Center - 92nd Street Y, in New York.
Workshop Description:
In this experiential workshop, we will explore theories and methods of dance/movement therapy with children who have special needs. The use of props and music will be discussed, as well as how to modify or adapt interventions to best meet the needs of various populations. Participants will spend much of this workshop moving and dancing with, and without, a variety of props, in order to experience the material first-hand. Time will be allotted for questions and discussion.
Location: Concordia Dance Department studio #7.265, 7th floor, John Molson School of Business, downtown Campus, 1450 Guy St., corner of de Maisonneuve
Rates: Member $25 Non member $40
Advance workshop registration required.
BY MAY 10th Send a cheque payable to Zuzana Sevcikova to address:
Dance Movement Therapy Association in Canada
c/o Creative Arts Therapies Department
Concordia University
1395 René Lévesque Blvd W.VA-272-2
Montreal, Quebec, H3G 2M5

Monday, April 23, 2012

LE 24 AVRIL 2012 À 19 H 10 ET 19 H 35
Montréal – Performance in situ à la Place des Arts
Présentation du solo in-perfections dans une foule. in-perfections est une œuvre in situ qui brouille la frontière entre l’interprète et le spectateur. Errance du corps, solo sans territoire, une danse précise, discrète et nerveuse qui à la fois se fond dans le public et s’en démarque. Cette pièce d’une durée de 12 minutes est chorégraphiée par Florence Figols, en collaboration avec l’interprète Zuzana Sevcikova.
Présentée aussi le 25 avril à 19 h 10 et 19 h 35.
L’Espace culturel Georges-Émile-Lapalme – Place des Arts
175, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Welcome to Concordia's Dance Department's year-end shows!
The pieces are choreographed and performed by dance students!

DB Clarke Theatre (1455 de Maisonneuve West, basement of the Hall building)
Saturday, April 14th at 2:30pm and 8:30pm
Sunday, April 15th at 2:30pm and 8:30pm

Entry Fee: $15
$10 for students
A discount if you see more than one show.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Click image to enlarge

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Post from DMTAC board members

Hello everyone,

2011 marked an important year as it is when the Dance Movement Therapy Association in Canada (DMTAC) was formed. We have been active in pushing forward new possibilities for training, advocacy and connecting dance movement therapy students and professionals.
2 Workshops were given this fall by Denise Nadeau (MDiv, DMin, BMPP) on Embodying Gratefulness which brings together the Body-Mind Psychotherapy practice of embodiment with the spiritual practice of gratefulness.
ADTA (American Dance Therapy Association) alternative route accreditation: We have been working diligently to find the most time effective and educational ways to become a dance movement therapist while in Canada. On January 17th, 2012 we had a first teleconference with International Subcommittee and Members at Large for ADTA Canadian Membership. Participants discussed the history of Canadian Membership and MALs, possibilities for joint association collaboration and other questions. If you are interested in listening to the call, please send your request to dancetherapyca@gmail.com . The replay line for this call will be available until December 1st, 2012.