A dance/movement therapy blog providing information regarding dance movement therapy education, training and events. The site is based at Montreal, QC Canada


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Workshop / Atelier

Saturday June 8th, 9h-12h ; Workshop with Megan Dillenbeck 
“Dance/Movement Therapy: The profession, the work and the experience” /  
Samedi 8 juin, 9h-12h; Atelier avec Megan Dillenbeck  
«La thérapie par la danse et le mouvement: La profession, le travail et l’expérience»

To read more - >

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Workshop / Atelier

Wednesday May 22nd; 18h-21h ; Workshop with Debbie van der Laan / Mercredi, 22 mai, 18h-21h; Atelier avec Debbie van der Laan

“Dance/Movement Therapy with Older Adults: Promoting Emotional, Mental,and Physical Well-being” /  «Thérapie par la danse et le mouvement auprès des ainés: Favorisant le bien-être émotionnel, mental et physique»

To read more - > 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Workshop / Atelier

Saturday May 11th, 9h-12h; Workshop with Ayana Spivak / Samedi, 11 mai, 9h-12h; Atelier avec Ayana Spivak
     “Dancing with another world. One of the ways how Dance/Movement Therapy works for rehabilitation and social integration of people with the Autism Spectrum Disorders” / «Danser avec un autre monde. Comment la thérapie par la danse et le mouvement travaille afin de permettre la réhabilitation et l’intégration sociale de personnes ayant un trouble du spectre autistique»
To read more - >

Friday, March 29, 2013

Workshop / Atelier

Saturday April 13th ;14h-17h; Workshop with Joanabbey Sack /
Samedi, 13 avril; 14h-17h ; Atelier avec Joanabbey Sack

“Dance/Movement Therapy with Individuals” Where do we begin and what is the framework /  «Thérapie par la danse et le movement Individuelle» Par où commencer - Le cadre de travail


Sunday, March 10, 2013

«A Take-Off for C.A.T.S Week» in Montreal

The Creative Arts Therapists of Quebec present:
«A Take-Off for C.A.T.S Week»

This year, the art therapists of Quebec come together for a Take Off full of colours, dance and movement, sounds, music and drama and play. We propose to spread the wings of diverse art therapeutic methods and share with you the multifaceted world of art therapy. « A Take-Off for C.A.T.S Week » helps us see new perspectives on what lies ahead, to take flight and migrate towards greater autonomy. The vigorous current of images, movement, words and sounds creates a novel way of helping individuals, families and communities explore the experiences and difficulties of life, and to find creative ways of adapting to new circumstances.
Since time immemorial, human beings have put the visual arts, drama, music and dance to use for personal growth and development. During more recent decades, science has recognized the potential of art therapy in offering clinical services to those touched by cancer and chronic illness, elderly persons affected by the onset of dementia and inmates of the prison system, in schools etc.
The ever increasing interest for art therapy in medical, social and community institutions as well as in private practice settings have led to its acceptance and establishment. As witness to the positive results that art therapy procures for those suffering from mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress, or in helping people plagued by aggressive impulses, abandonment and relationship issues, art therapists affirm that the creative process can lead to heightened physical and psychological well-being. 
We are proud to present this professional fair on Saturday, the 16th of March, from 11 am to 4 pm. This fair (free admission) will allow the Quebec public to become more familiar with art therapy through the medium of presentations and kiosks displaying professional centers, training programs and particular art therapists working in diverse settings. Throughout the International Creative Arts Therapies Week (March 16th to 23rd, 2013), several activities will be held, including workshops, open-houses and presentations. You can view the calendar of events within Quebec at: www.dmtac.org www.aatq.org www.musicotherapieaqm.org www.nadt.org
Date and time: Saturday, March 16th, 2013 11am to 4 pm
Location :
UQAM, Pavillon R
405, Ste-Catherine Est, Montréal

Creative Arts Therapies Week in Montreal, March 16 to 23 / Semaine des thérapies par les arts à Montréal, 16 au 23 mars 2013

Date: Tuesday March 19, 16:00-19:00
An open meeting to obtain information on 
what is Dance Movement Therapy, how to become
a Dance Movement Therapist and how to get involved with the Dance Movement Therapy Association in Canada.
It is a great opportunity to meet like-minded Dance Movement Therapy enthusiasts, students, and professionals. 
Come and receive information on the upcoming Canadian Series workshops.
All are welcome!

Location: Concordia University EV building atrium, 
1515 St. Catherine West

*   *   *
Thérapie par la Danse et le Mouvement / PORTES OUVERTES
Date: Mardi Mars 19, 16:00-19:00
Une réunion ouverte pour obtenir de l'information sur ce qui est la thérapie par la danse et le mouvement, comment devenir thérapeute par la danse et le mouvement, et comment devenir impliqué dans l'Association de thérapie par la danse et le mouvement au Canada. C'est une grande opportunité de se réunir avec les enthousiastes, étudiants, et professionnels de la thérapie par la danse et le mouvement.
Venez recevoir de l'information sur la prochaine Série canadienne d'ateliers. Tous sont les bienvenus!

Lieu: Université Concordia, édifice EV atrium, 
1515 St. Catherine West

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